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Well you've seen this a million times before. It's time for me to boast unceasingly for pages and pages about my amazing stupid stuff. Well my name is Mahangu (which I hope you gathered by now). And right about now I'm probably in school , rowing or sleeping. Or maybe I'm up writing something utterly useless (amazingly stupid?) in vb . In my free time, I hang out on Slashdot , post on the Winamp Forums and try to study. Recently I've also taken up hacking c , which has been harder than it looked.

I'm a born again Christian , which means that I believe that Jesus, the Son of God, died to save me from my sins and that through him I have eternal life.


Ok so enough about me. On to the site.

And oh yeah, rant rave and spew here .


You can see some of the documents I wrote, check out my .plan or see my amazingly stupid stuff. Also see my open source page.



(c) 2001 Mahangu Weerasinghe. All rights reserved.